ANGELICA CHRISTINA XTRAVAGANZA Angelica Christina is a passionate and driven Queer Latina, activist, actor, model, producer and trans consultant hailing from Spanish Harlem in New York City. Angelica is a proud alumni of the nation's first fully accredited LGBTQIA+ high school, The Harvey Milk High School.

She is currently on the Board of Directors for the Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, since 2020. Angelica is an accomplished media personality and actor having appeared on several television shows, documentaries and networks such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, MSNBC, America's Next Top Model and most recently Pose Seasons 2 & 3 on FX. She has made it her mission to further educate the world on the issues that plague the trans community, to promote healing for marginalized communities and to continue to carve out space for trans and queer stories to be told.